Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cadbury Commercial Song

it was ringing in my head the whole day.. guess i need a chocolate treat.

but i think i am having too much lately.

Cadbury Commercial Song & Lyrics

The title is :: Beach Boys - Wouldn't it be nice ::

Lyrics for Part One
Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
You could surf inside a chocolate tube
Ride your board across the wave forever
Get wiped out and never get a bruise
And if a shark came up and tried to bite you
You could say 'I'm chocolate - I invite you'
Wouldn't it be nice?

Lyrics for Part Two
Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
Chocolate roads and trees and birds and bees
Delivering all kinds of letters daily,
Every kind of purple parcel too.
And if the dog did try and grab a mouthful,
You could bite him back he'd taste delightful!
Wouldn't it be nice?

Lyrics for Part Three
Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
You could be a soccer super star.
The referee would blow his chocolate whistle,
A shot a goal would even break the bar.
And if you scored the winner
You could have the cup for your dinner.
Wouldn't it be nice?

Lyrics for Part Four
Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
Riding in the car would be a tasty treat.
Changing gears would soon become a problem
Cadbury dairy milk is so good to eat
When you arrive at your destination,
You'll be greeted with an exclamation!
Wouldn't it be nice?


umbrella lady said...

you can eat the gear in your car. hahaha xD

Anonymous said...

i think i need help...
i took a depression test and the test results show that i hv depression..err..serious depression..
wat should i do?
nothing seems to help...

starryestelle said...

hahhaha... its stale liao..

starryestelle said...

did u hear the sermon last week?
pastor james preached abt elijah.
he was a man of God that was depressed also. he asked God to kill him. can u imagine? ha.

anyway, the first thing is to draw near to God of coz.

secondly, allow urself to have sufficient physical rest. don push ur body too far.

second, emotional rest. the worries that u have, the fears that bothers you. you need time to identify and come to terms with them.

sms me ok.
i think its better face to face.
take care girl.

Anonymous said...

I thought it's wouldn't it be nice to buy a Cadbury lol

Cameron Wayne Smith said...

Do you know the year that Cadbury first used this advert? Having difficulties finding the answer! Guessing early 2000s, maybe late 90s?