Sunday, May 18, 2008

Korean Babes


Three of my customers did not come for their facial appointment in the afternoon. We blocked off the time just for them and denied other customers of the opportunity to relax @ the spa, which i was pretty upset with,you know; wasted biz opportunity..

Anyway, we released the slot after waiting for half an hour, since they did not answer our calls and sms.

GOD is gOOd!

Not long after, we have 4 HOT KOREAN Babes walking into our SPA looking for a place to chill and relax..

The Koreans are very nice, friendly, warm and polite people.. Its good to have customers like that; they are very honest and very generous with their compliments and expression of appreciation towards our services :)

They are all pretty fair ladies, but they chose Whitening Facial after studying our menu for quite awhile.. haha... well, good choice anyway!

We decided to take a photo together after the treatment..
V-neck & U-Neck seems to be their style :)

They really made my day!


Yenswky said...

Oh... love your cell members then nvr talk abt us lorh.. =(

Nvrm... I also don't talk abt u lol. Hey, glad teh business is going well for you did juian/alan tell you bout mels going away bbq?

Philip Pang said...

damn! why you never tell me one!? walau. Next time I find hensem boy don't want let you know also. I find those damnn hensem one.

starryestelle said...


dear shy..i don forget my first love u know.. hahahha... cmon man, of coz i love all my members.. hugzz... the entry will come :) no worries!

no ler.. no one told me abt the farewell. I sms her on her bday tho.. keep me informed ok! i will make time!

OI Philip Pang.. since when u become so 'hiao'?! hahha.. i don want u to scare them away.. :P

Peter Ng said...


umbrella lady said...

stella!!(: u havent receive my invitation? or belum click on it? lol x)

starryestelle said...

i think they are pretty original:)